ICE CREAM IN FEVER - An Original Play by Arani Ghose
DRAMATIS PERSONAE: Sethji: A rich moneylender Akhil: A middleclass Bengalee man from Kolkata. Had borrowed money from Sethji. Madhu: Akhil’s wife Sunil: Akhil’s elder son Supriya: Akhil’s younger daughter. SCENE – I (Empty stage. Sethji is standing on the left side of the stage. Yellow spot light directly over his head) Sethji(on phone): Areh haan bhai! You told me about your situation. But you have to think about mine too. This is my profession, my only source of living. (Pause. Sethji listens to the person on the other side of the phone. He spits some betel juice from his mouth and starts speaking again.) No, no, no.. I mean to say that.. Yeah, yeah.. I absolutely understand, but.. See I need the money otherwise.. (Light fades out. Again glows over the middle of the stage where Sethji is sitting on a chair.) Sethji(on phone): ..See Akhil, you told me the same thing even in the last month as well. How ...